Today I had some free time and decided to clean up the threads in the collar thingie that clamps the downpipe to the turbo elbow. As you can see on the picture below, they have seen better days:

I found out the thread size is M8x1.25, so I bought a tap and die set and started chasing the threads. It was not as easy as it sounds. The main problem was just to start the thread right. The last thing I had in mind was to crossthread it. So, quite a few times I would feel I started it just right but then, after a few turns, would take it off to inspect the threads. Eventually I was satisfied enough to continue.
Because I did not want to crawl under the car and disconnect the downpipe from the bottom of the transmission, I was not able to turn the die the way you would normally do. In fact, I had to take the handles off the die holding thingie so I could turn it in the space I had. Still I could only do about 1/6th of a turn at a time. Good thing the dies I used had a hexagonal body as opposite to round. Also, Those threads were really dirty and I felt like I did not have enough strength to keep on turning. I really need a better way.

Incidentally, I also managed to lose the little screw that would hold the die to its holder. Shame on me. I know where it is but I need a magnet.
Next thing is the brake fluid reservoir. I wonder if it is leaking. I think what I need to do is fill it up to the maximum level and then see if it drops. Let's be honest: I can take a picture just like the one below every day or week or whatever, but it is much easier to monitor when the fluid is level with some mark.

Last in the list is the shifter. You see, my shifter knob is falling apart completely, to the point of being useless. I have been trying to figure out how it was attached to the shaft. Well, today I found out by chance.

I was trying to figure out how to remove the shift boot so I could treat it (and maybe resurrect it before it is hopeless) and it fell out!

Looking inside it, it turns out the knob is just pressed into place! Hmmm, I think I may be going back to the 900 in the yard and yank its knob. In the mean time, I still need to find a way to get the boot out. But, I am making advances...
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