Instead of taking pictures, this time I made a video of this test. I will post it once I figure out how to make it look nice in youtube. In the mean time, I will upload some frames. Here we have me actually touching the wire against the positive wire I marked in green before. Note the spark. Yes, that made the starter engage and spin the engine, but that is not good enough.

(20071016) Here is the video as promised:
At this point in this episode we need to talk about something stupid I did. When you park a classic Saab, you put the shifter in reverse and then can turn the key and remove it. I forgot the car was still in reverse. So, when I hit the starter the car jumped backwards. Well, besides the surprise, that tells me my reverse gear must be working. I did put the shifter in neutral before continuing playing. I still have connectivity issues but the starter works. Now all I need to do is to clean the connection and try again... maybe this time for real.
Now that I finished messing with something that could be causing lots of very beautiful sparks, it was time to finish draining the rest of the (old) fuel. For those who remember, I drained 4 gallons out of the car in a previous episode. Today I drained 3 more, which was about as much as was left in the car (it acted like the pump could not suck any more fuel). Fuel gauge still did not report much, or it did before and I failed to pay attention. Still, nasty yellow fuel, as seen here while I dumped it in the Volvo fuel tank.

Well, I think it is time for me to start putting parts back together in the Saab and try to start it. I feel confident that my little tests indicated that I should give it a try. Maybe this weekend I will put enough time on it to get it alive. We will see.
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