This is the record of a 1988 Saab 900 turbo convertible and the things I do to it. That is it. It is not a Saab repair or advocacy site. Look for them somewhere else because I am not trying to be careful or proper or anything like that. Just think of it as coffee table literature with no assumptions or presumptions.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Idling around
Yesterday I decided to do a few quick things to the Saab after I got home. First was to make sure ever hose clamp was tightened. Second, I solved the vacuum line mystery. It goes indeed to the BOV, specifically there is a nipple on its top and that is where the hose should be connected to.After some effort, cursing (not every effective because I do not know Swedish curses), and a conveniently long pair of pliers, I was able to finagle the hose until it attached to the nipple on the BOV:Next in line was checking the oil. It still looked nice and clear. So I topped it off to the "full" mark and started the engine once more. The engine light (CEL) is still on; I really need to find out what it is trying to tell me. But, another thing I tried on it was to rev the engine to, say, 2K RPM and let the car return to idle on its own. As it can be seen in the following video, it had a bit of a slow response time. In fact, it almost stalled.
I do not know what is causing that but will have to check later on. A vacuum leak perhaps? While the engine was on, I went to the engine bay and solved another mystery that was annoying me for a while: whenever I would accelerate above idle, smoke would come off the right side of the engine bay. I checked that side of the engine until I noticed something rather telling:As you can see in the above image, the elbow on the turbine exhaust side of the turbo is not really tightened to the downpipe. Could that be the source of smoke? The carbon deposits on the connection would tell me so. But, let's check it as I rev up the engine (just a bit, up to 2K, as I am not comfortable in going any higher until I find out why the CEL is on):
That smoke sure looks like it is coming from the connection, eh? I think I will get new stainless steel nuts, lockwashers, and run a die on the studs to clean them up before tightenging it all back together.
All in all I thought it was a rather successful day. Next on the list: 1) Put an airfilter in the car. So far I have been running the engine without an airfilter:Reason is because I do not know for sure if the airflow meter (AMM for you picky ones because it is of the hot wire variety) is working right. This way I can actually swap it with and ebay one I have that is supposed to be good. But, I think I need to stop being a lazy ass and put the airfilter already. Unfiltered air and turbos do not like each other... or like each other too much. I bought a K&N airfilter off ebay for the car. This morning I washed it and am letting it dry. Once I get home, I will spray it with the K&N oil thingie, clean the airbox, and drop it in there. That should make me (and the car) breathe a bit easier... 2) Learn how to bleed the cooling system. 3) Find out why I have the CEL on. 4) Bleed brakes and clutch.
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